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01Showcase your skill

Showcase your skill

Take control of your own online presence and share what you want others to see. No matter your role, everyone has something to make them shine!

02Get found by scouts

Get found by scouts

Scouts and players alike benefit by learning from each other. Why not follow what others are doing and see what people are looking for?

03The chance of a lifetime

The chance of a lifetime

Everyone deserves a chance at making it big, and we are the place for that. The best part is, you can do it for free!

Now imagine this

Age 5

A young boy discovers his love for football

Age 10

He begins to show that he has plenty of talent

He wants to prove himself but he doesn’t know where and how

Age 16

On ScoutsCapital he finds trial positions that he can apply to

His videos and statistics quickly gain traction as more people see them

Age 17

The boy gets accepted for a trial and impresses the scouts

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Age 40

As he retires, he goes from player to scout, looking for the next player to give an opportunity to